
Black Raspberry Jam Recipe

Wild Black Raspberry Jam Recipe

The Black Raspberry Jam Recipe is a delightful homemade jam made from fresh black raspberries. It offers a burst of natural sweetness and a rich, fruity flavor that is sure to delight your taste buds. This simple recipe requires only a few basic steps to create a delicious spread that can be enjoyed in various ways.

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15 Black Raspberry Recipes – Try Them All

Black Raspberry Jam is known for its versatility as a condiment. It can be spread on toast, bagels, or crackers for a delightful breakfast or snack option. Additionally, it can be used as a filling for pastries or as a topping for desserts, adding a touch of fruity goodness to your favorite treats.

In terms of health benefits, this jam packs a punch of nutrients. Black raspberries are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They are a good source of vitamin C, which can help support a healthy immune system. The antioxidants found in black raspberries can also help protect the body against free radicals, which may reduce the risk of certain chronic diseases.

Furthermore, the natural sweetness of black raspberries allows for a reduction in added sugars when making this jam. This can be advantageous for those looking to limit their sugar intake while still enjoying a flavorful spread.

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By making the Black Raspberry Jam at home, you have control over the ingredients, ensuring a fresh and wholesome product without any artificial additives or preservatives. It is a great way to savor the goodness of black raspberries throughout the year, especially during the peak season when these berries are readily available.

In conclusion, the Black Raspberry Jam Recipe is a simple and versatile spread that offers a delicious fruity flavor and numerous potential health benefits. Whether enjoyed on toast, in pastries, or as a dessert topping, this jam can add a burst of natural sweetness to your meals. Its nutrient-rich profile and reduced sugar content make it a healthier alternative to store-bought jams. So, why not give this easy-to-make recipe a try and indulge in the goodness of black raspberries all year round?

Black Raspberry Pin

How To Make Our Black Raspberry Jam Recipe

Ingredients (8 Servings)

3-1/2 cups crushed black raspberries (about 5 pints
1/4 cup lemon juice
1 3-oz pouch Liquid Pectin, Ball® RealFruit™
1/2 tsp butter , or margarine optional
1 3oz pouch Ball® RealFruit™ Liquid Pectin
7 cups sugar


1. Wash the black raspberries thoroughly under cold running water and remove any stems or leaves. Pat them dry with a clean towel.

a. Place the black raspberries in a colander and rinse them under cold running water.
b. Gently shake the colander to remove excess water.
c. Spread the black raspberries on a clean towel and blot them dry.

2. Crush the black raspberries using a potato masher or the back of a spoon until you get approximately 3-1/2 cups of crushed berries.

a. Transfer the washed black raspberries to a large bowl.
b. Use a potato masher to gently crush the berries.
c. Continue mashing until you reach the desired consistency.

3. In a separate bowl, combine the lemon juice and the 3-oz pouch of Ball® RealFruit™ Liquid Pectin. Stir well to mix.

a. Squeeze the lemon juice into a measuring cup.
b. Open the pouch of Ball® RealFruit™ Liquid Pectin and pour it into the bowl with the lemon juice.
c. Mix the lemon juice and pectin together until well combined.

4. Add the lemon juice-pectin mixture to the crushed black raspberries. Stir thoroughly to ensure even distribution.

a. Pour the lemon juice-pectin mixture over the crushed black raspberries.
b. Use a spoon to mix everything together until the berries are evenly coated with the pectin.

5. Place a large pot on the stove and add the coated black raspberries. Bring the mixture to a rolling boil over high heat, stirring constantly to prevent sticking.

a. Set the large pot on the stove.
b. Transfer the black raspberry mixture from the bowl to the pot.
c. Turn the heat to high and stir the mixture continuously.

6. Once the mixture is boiling, add the sugar gradually while stirring continuously. Let the mixture come to a rolling boil again and boil for exactly 1 minute.

a. Gradually add the sugar to the boiling mixture, stirring constantly.
b. Keep stirring until all the sugar is dissolved.
c. Allow the mixture to come to a full rolling boil for 1 minute.

7. If desired, add the optional 1/2 tsp of butter or margarine to reduce foaming. Stir it into the boiling jam.

a. Decide if you want to add the optional butter or margarine.
b. If you choose to add it, put the butter or margarine into the pot with the boiling jam.
c. Stir the butter/margarine into the mixture.

8. Remove the pot from the heat and skim off any foam that may have formed on the surface of the jam.

a. Turn off the stove.
b. Use a spoon to skim off any foam that has gathered on top of the jam.

9. Prepare clean glass jars and lids for canning by sterilizing them in boiling water.

a. Wash the glass jars and lids in hot soapy water.
b. Rinse the jars and lids thoroughly.
c. Place the jars and lids in a large pot of boiling water for sterilization.

10. Ladle the hot black raspberry jam into the sterilized jars, leaving about 1/4-inch headspace at the top.

a. Use a ladle to transfer the hot jam into the jars.
b. Leave a small gap between the top of the jam and the rim of the jar.

Estimated Prep Time: 30 minutes

Cooking Time: 10 minutes

Wild Black Raspberry Jam Recipe

Pots, Pan and Cooking Equipment Needed forthe Black Raspberry Jam Recipe

Large pot
Potato masher or the back of a spoon
Measuring cup
Clean towel
Large bowl
Sterilized glass jars with lids

Best Way to Store Leftovers From Black Raspberry Jam Recipe

a. Transfer the leftover jam into an airtight glass or plastic container.
b. Ensure the container has a secure lid to prevent air exposure.
c. Store the container in the refrigerator to keep the jam fresh.
d. Use shallow containers to spread the jam in a thin layer for faster cooling.
e. Label the container with the date to keep track of its freshness.
f. Consume the leftovers within two weeks for the best taste and quality.

Tips and Tricks For Easier Creation

Prepare all the ingredients beforehand to streamline the process.
Use fresh, ripe black raspberries for the best flavor.
Crush the black raspberries to the desired consistency for smoother jam.
Stir the jam continuously during boiling to prevent sticking.
Skim off any foam that forms during the cooking process.
Add a small amount of butter or margarine to reduce foaming.
Sterilize glass jars and lids before filling them with hot jam.

Side Dishes and Desserts Forthe Black Raspberry Jam Recipe

a. Warm buttered toast slices.
b. Fluffy pancakes or waffles.
c. Freshly baked scones or biscuits.
d. Vanilla ice cream or frozen yogurt.
e. Creamy Greek yogurt with granola.
f. Crisp crackers or crostini.

How To Serve the Cuban Black Raspberry Jam Recipe

a. Spread the jam generously over your favorite breakfast bread.
b. Use it as a filling for pastries or thumbprint cookies.
c. Top off desserts like cheesecake or chocolate cake.
d. Mix it into yogurt or oatmeal for a fruity twist.
e. Serve alongside a cheese platter for a delightful pairing.
f. Present it as a homemade gift in a beautifully labeled jar.

Dietary Substitution For the Black Raspberry Jam Recipe

1. Vegan Options for the Black Raspberry Jam Recipe:

a. Use agar-agar instead of gelatin-based pectin.
b. Swap butter with vegan margarine or coconut oil.
c. Choose organic sugar to ensure it’s vegan-friendly.
d. Opt for plant-based lemon juice.
e. Use maple syrup as a sweetener.

2. Gluten-Free Options for the Black Raspberry Jam Recipe:

a. Confirm the pectin used is gluten-free.
b. Use gluten-free lemon juice without additives.
c. Choose certified gluten-free sugar.
d. Verify the butter or margarine is gluten-free.
e. Ensure all kitchen utensils are gluten-free.

3. Vegetarian Options for the Black Raspberry Jam Recipe:

a. Use plant-based pectin instead of animal-derived gelatin.
b. Swap butter with vegetarian margarine.
c. Check for vegetarian-friendly sugar options.
d. Choose plant-based lemon juice.
e. Consider organic and cruelty-free ingredients.

4. Mediterranean Diet Options for the Black Raspberry Jam Recipe:

a. Opt for local, fresh black raspberries.
b. Use extra virgin olive oil instead of butter.
c. Reduce sugar content for a more Mediterranean taste.
d. Add a hint of fresh mint for a Mediterranean twist.
e. Pair the jam with Greek yogurt or ricotta cheese.

5. Keto Diet Options for the Black Raspberry Jam Recipe:

a. Use a keto-friendly sweetener like stevia or erythritol.
b. Replace sugar with a low-carb alternative.
c. Choose low-carb pectin for thickening.
d. Use grass-fed butter or coconut oil instead of regular butter.
e. Ensure the jam’s carb count fits within keto guidelines.

6. Heart-Healthy Diet Options for the Black Raspberry Jam Recipe:

a. Use omega-3 rich flaxseed as a thickening agent.
b. Opt for a sugar substitute like honey or monk fruit sweetener.
c. Choose a plant sterol-enriched margarine for a heart-healthy option.
d. Add chia seeds for additional fiber and nutrients.
e. Pair the jam with whole-grain toast for added benefits.

7. Paleo Options for the Black Raspberry Jam Recipe:

a. Use honey or maple syrup instead of sugar.
b. Swap butter with ghee or coconut oil.
c. Choose a paleo-approved pectin option.
d. Add a pinch of cinnamon or nutmeg for extra flavor.
e. Use fresh lemon zest for a citrusy touch.

8. Low Carb Options for the Black Raspberry Jam Recipe:

a. Use a sugar substitute like erythritol or stevia.
b. Swap pectin for a low-carb thickener like xanthan gum.
c. Use lemon extract instead of lemon juice.
d. Choose a low-carb, unsalted butter option.
e. Reduce sugar content for a lower carb count.

9. Whole30 Options for the Black Raspberry Jam Recipe:

a. Use unsweetened applesauce as a natural sweetener.
b. Swap regular pectin with Whole30-compliant pectin.
c. Opt for clarified butter instead of regular butter.
d. Use fresh lemon juice without additives.
e. Ensure all ingredients are Whole30-approved.

10. Weight Watchers Options for the Black Raspberry Jam Recipe:

a. Use a sugar substitute with zero points on Weight Watchers.
b. Swap pectin for a low-point thickener.
c. Opt for a low-point butter or margarine.
d. Choose fresh lemon juice for zero points.
e. Calculate the jam’s points per serving accurately.

11. Low Fat Options for the Black Raspberry Jam Recipe:

a. Use a fat-free pectin option.
b. Opt for a fat-free butter or margarine alternative.
c. Choose a fat-free lemon juice option.
d. Reduce sugar content for a lower fat version.
e. Use applesauce or mashed bananas for added moisture.

12. Vegetable Variations for the Black Raspberry Jam Recipe:

a. Mix in diced strawberries for a fruity twist.
b. Add finely chopped carrots for a unique texture.
c. Incorporate grated zucchini for added nutrients.
d. Use mashed ripe bananas for a natural sweetness.
e. Combine with diced bell peppers for a savory touch.

Please note that the given substitutions are general suggestions, and individual dietary needs and preferences may vary. It’s always recommended to check labels, choose quality ingredients, and consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian for personalized advice.

Wild Black Raspberry Jam Recipe

FAQ About the Black Raspberry Jam Recipe

What is the Black Raspberry Jam Recipe?
The Black Raspberry Jam Recipe is a delightful homemade jam made from fresh black raspberries, lemon juice, pectin, and sugar. It offers a burst of natural sweetness and a rich, fruity flavor.

How do I make the Black Raspberry Jam Recipe?
To make the Black Raspberry Jam Recipe, you’ll need to wash and crush black raspberries, combine them with lemon juice and pectin, and then boil the mixture with sugar until it thickens. The detailed cooking instructions can be found in the recipe.

Can I make a vegan version of the Black Raspberry Jam Recipe?
Yes, you can make a vegan version of the Black Raspberry Jam Recipe by using plant-based pectin, vegan margarine or coconut oil, and organic sugar. Ensure that all ingredients are free from animal-derived products.

Is the Black Raspberry Jam Recipe gluten-free?
The Black Raspberry Jam Recipe can be gluten-free if you use gluten-free pectin, lemon juice without additives, and certified gluten-free sugar. It’s essential to verify the ingredients’ gluten content to make it suitable for a gluten-free diet.

What are some creative ways to enjoy the Black Raspberry Jam Recipe?
The Black Raspberry Jam Recipe is versatile and can be enjoyed in various ways. Spread it on toast, pancakes, or waffles for a delicious breakfast treat. Use it as a filling for pastries or thumbprint cookies. You can also pair it with cheese, yogurt, or desserts for a delightful twist.

Final Thoughts

The Black Raspberry Jam Recipe is a delightful homemade spread that brings together the natural sweetness of black raspberries, tangy lemon juice, and the perfect consistency of pectin and sugar. This jam offers a burst of rich, fruity flavor, making it a delightful addition to breakfast or snack options. Its versatility allows it to be used in various ways, whether spread on toast or used as a filling for pastries and desserts.

Aside from its delicious taste, the Black Raspberry Jam Recipe also boasts potential health benefits. Black raspberries are known for being rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, especially vitamin C. This nutrient helps support a healthy immune system and may offer protection against certain chronic diseases due to the presence of antioxidants. Additionally, by making the jam at home, you have control over the ingredients, ensuring a fresher and more wholesome product without artificial additives or preservatives.

So, why not try creating this flavorful Black Raspberry Jam Recipe? You can savor its natural sweetness and enjoy the goodness of black raspberries throughout the year, adding a burst of fruity goodness to your favorite meals and snacks.

Wild Black Raspberry Jam Recipe

Black Raspberry Jam Recipe

The Black Raspberry Jam Recipe is a delightful homemade jam made from fresh black raspberries.
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 40 minutes
Course Dessert
Cuisine American
Servings 16 Servings
Calories 345 kcal


  • Large Pot
  • Spoon
  • Potato masher or the back of a spoon
  • Measuring cup
  • Ladle
  • Colander
  • Clean towel
  • large bowl
  • Sterilized glass jars with lids


  • 3-1/2 cups raspberries
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice
  • 1 3- oz pouch Liquid Pectin Ball® RealFruit™
  • 1/2 tsp butter or margarine optional
  • 7 cups sugar


Wash the black raspberries thoroughly under cold running water and remove any stems or leaves. Pat them dry with a clean towel.

  • a. Place the black raspberries in a colander and rinse them under cold running water.
  • b. Gently shake the colander to remove excess water.
  • c. Spread the black raspberries on a clean towel and blot them dry.

Crush the black raspberries using a potato masher or the back of a spoon until you get approximately 3-1/2 cups of crushed berries.

  • a. Transfer the washed black raspberries to a large bowl.
  • b. Use a potato masher to gently crush the berries.
  • c. Continue mashing until you reach the desired consistency.

In a separate bowl, combine the lemon juice and the 3-oz pouch of Ball® RealFruit™ Liquid Pectin. Stir well to mix.

  • a. Squeeze the lemon juice into a measuring cup.
  • b. Open the pouch of Ball® RealFruit™ Liquid Pectin and pour it into the bowl with the lemon juice.
  • c. Mix the lemon juice and pectin together until well combined.

Add the lemon juice-pectin mixture to the crushed black raspberries. Stir thoroughly to ensure even distribution.

  • a. Pour the lemon juice-pectin mixture over the crushed black raspberries.
  • b. Use a spoon to mix everything together until the berries are evenly coated with the pectin.

Place a large pot on the stove and add the coated black raspberries. Bring the mixture to a rolling boil over high heat, stirring constantly to prevent sticking.

  • a. Set the large pot on the stove.
  • b. Transfer the black raspberry mixture from the bowl to the pot.
  • c. Turn the heat to high and stir the mixture continuously.

Once the mixture is boiling, add the sugar gradually while stirring continuously. Let the mixture come to a rolling boil again and boil for exactly 1 minute.

  • a. Gradually add the sugar to the boiling mixture, stirring constantly.
  • b. Keep stirring until all the sugar is dissolved.
  • c. Allow the mixture to come to a full rolling boil for 1 minute.

If desired, add the optional 1/2 tsp of butter or margarine to reduce foaming. Stir it into the boiling jam.

  • a. Decide if you want to add the optional butter or margarine.
  • b. If you choose to add it, put the butter or margarine into the pot with the boiling jam.
  • c. Stir the butter/margarine into the mixture.

Remove the pot from the heat and skim off any foam that may have formed on the surface of the jam.

  • a. Turn off the stove.
  • b. Use a spoon to skim off any foam that has gathered on top of the jam.

Prepare clean glass jars and lids for canning by sterilizing them in boiling water.

  • a. Wash the glass jars and lids in hot soapy water.
  • b. Rinse the jars and lids thoroughly.
  • c. Place the jars and lids in a large pot of boiling water for sterilization.

Ladle the hot black raspberry jam into the sterilized jars, leaving about 1/4-inch headspace at the top.

  • a. Use a ladle to transfer the hot jam into the jars.
  • b. Leave a small gap between the top of the jam and the rim of the jar.


Prepare all the ingredients beforehand to streamline the process.
Use fresh, ripe black raspberries for the best flavor.
Crush the black raspberries to the desired consistency for smoother jam.
Stir the jam continuously during boiling to prevent sticking.
Skim off any foam that forms during the cooking process.
Add a small amount of butter or margarine to reduce foaming.
Sterilize glass jars and lids before filling them with hot jam.
Keyword Black Raspberry Jam Recipe
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