
Great Guatemalan Paches Recipe

Guatemalan Paches Recipes

The Guatemalan Paches Recipe is a traditional dish that originates from Guatemala. Paches are delicious tamale-like treats made with a base of ground corn mixed with various ingredients. They are typically wrapped in banana leaves and steamed until cooked through.

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The flavors of the Guatemalan Paches Recipe are rich and comforting. The corn base provides a subtle sweetness, while the additional ingredients, such as tomatoes, onions, and herbs, add depth and savory notes. The combination of these flavors creates a satisfying and hearty dish that is enjoyed by many.

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One of the merits of the Guatemalan Paches Recipe is its versatility. It can be customized with different fillings, such as chicken, pork, or vegetables, allowing for a variety of Options to suit different tastes and dietary preferences. This versatility makes it a flexible dish that can be enjoyed as a main course or a side dish.

In addition to its delicious flavors and adaptability, the Guatemalan Paches Recipe also offers potential health benefits. It is primarily made with corn, which is a good source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. The addition of vegetables and lean proteins further enhances its nutritional value. The steaming cooking method used in preparing Paches helps retain the nutrients of the ingredients.

By incorporating the Guatemalan Paches Recipe into your meals, you can enjoy a dish that not only delights your taste buds but also provides a wholesome and nutritious dining experience. Whether you prefer a vegetarian version or a meat-filled delight, this traditional Guatemalan recipe offers a satisfying and healthy Options for those looking to explore new flavors and enjoy the benefits of a balanced meal.

Guatemala Recipes PIN

How To Make Our the Guatemalan Paches Recipe

Ingredients (8 Servings)

4 cups corn masa (corn dough)
1 cup  chicken or pork cooked and shredded
1 medium onion, finely chopped Medium
2 tomatoes, diced
2  garlic cloves  minced
1 bell pepper finely chopped
1/4 cup cilantro chopped fresh
2 tablespoons oil vegetable
2 teaspoons cumin ground
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper black
8 large corn husks, soaked in water


1. In a large bowl, combine the corn masa, cooked and shredded chicken or pork, finely chopped vegetables and spices.

a. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients together until well combined.
b. Ensure the corn masa is evenly incorporated throughout the mixture.
c. Use your hands to ensure all the ingredients are evenly distributed.
d. Continue mixing until the mixture holds together when squeezed.
e. Take care to evenly distribute the seasonings throughout the mixture.
f. Make sure the mixture has a balanced flavor profile, adjusting seasonings if necessary.
g. Avoid overmixing to prevent the mixture from becoming dense.

2. Take a soaked corn husk and spread a thin layer of the corn masa mixture onto the center of the husk.

a. Use the back of a spoon or spatula to spread the mixture evenly and thinly.
b. Leave a small border around the edges of the husk for folding.
c. Ensure the filling covers the husk without any gaps.
d. Spread the mixture evenly to ensure consistent cooking.
e. Avoid spreading the mixture too thickly to prevent undercooking.
f. Make sure the layer of filling is not too thin, ensuring a flavorful bite.
g. Smooth out the mixture to ensure even cooking and a pleasing texture.

3. Fold the sides of the corn husk over the filling, creating a rectangular or square shape.

a. Make sure the filling is completely covered by the husk.
b. Press the sides together firmly to seal the Pache.
c. Fold the husk tightly around the filling to prevent any leakage.
d. Ensure the folded sides overlap to create a secure seal.
e. Seal the Pache tightly to prevent the filling from falling out during cooking.
f. Smooth out any folds or creases to maintain an appealing shape.
g. Ensure the sides are folded evenly for consistent cooking.

4. Fold the bottom part of the corn husk up towards the center, covering the sealed filling.

a. Fold it tightly and securely to enclose the filling.
b. Smooth out any wrinkles or folds in the husk to ensure a neat appearance.
c. Press down firmly to ensure the Pache holds its shape during steaming.
d. Make sure the bottom fold is secure to prevent unraveling during cooking.
e. Ensure the folded bottom is tight to maintain the integrity of the Pache.
f. Flatten the folded bottom to provide stability during steaming.
g. Ensure the folded bottom is neat and even for consistent cooking.

5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 with the remaining corn husks and filling mixture.

a. Ensure each Pache is tightly wrapped and sealed.
b. Arrange them in a steamer basket, placing them seam-side down.
c. Avoid overcrowding the steamer basket to allow for even cooking.
d. Maintain consistency in the size and shape of each Pache.
e. Double-check that each Pache is properly sealed before steaming.
f. Space the Paches evenly in the steamer basket to promote even steaming.
g. Ensure the Paches are placed with care to maintain their shape during cooking.

Prep Time: 1 hour

Cooking Time: Approximately 1.5 to 2 hours.

Pots, Pan and Cooking Equipment Needed for the Guatemalan Paches Recipe

Large mixing bowl: used to combine the corn masa, cooked and shredded chicken or pork, vegetables, and seasonings.
Spoon or spatula: used for mixing the ingredients in the bowl and spreading the corn masa mixture onto the corn husks.
Steamer basket: used to hold and steam the Paches.
Large pot with lid: filled with water to create steam for cooking the Paches.
Toothpick or fork: used to test the doneness of the Paches.

Best Way to Store Leftovers From the the Guatemalan Paches Recipe

a. Transfer the Paches to an airtight container.
b. Ensure the container is properly sealed.
c. Refrigerate to maintain freshness and prevent drying out.
d. Reheat the desired amount when ready to eat.

Tips and Tricks For Easier Creation

Soak the corn husks in warm water for at least 30 minutes before using to make them more pliable.
Spread the corn masa mixture thinly and evenly onto the corn husks using a spoon or spatula.
Press the sides of the corn husks firmly together to ensure a tight seal.
Arrange the Paches in the steamer basket without overcrowding.
Check the water level in the pot periodically.
Allow the Paches to cool slightly before unwrapping.
Serve the Paches warm for the best flavor and texture.

Side Dishes and Desserts For the the Guatemalan Paches Recipe

a. Curtido: traditional Guatemalan cabbage slaw for a tangy and crunchy element.
b. Guacamole: creamy and flavorful accompaniment.
c. Fried Plantains: sweet and caramelized contrast to the savory Paches.
d. Black Beans: seasoned black beans for a protein-rich addition.
e. Tomato Salsa: refreshing salsa with fresh tomatoes, onions, and cilantro.
f. Rice: fluffy and aromatic side dish.
g. Fresh Salad: light and refreshing salad with lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, and tangy dressing.

How To Serve the Guatemalan Paches Recipe

a. Carefully unwrap each Pache from the corn husk.
b. Arrange the Paches on a serving platter or individual plates.
c. Serve the Paches warm as a main dish or with side dishes.
d. Garnish with fresh cilantro or a squeeze of lime, if desired.
e. Share and enjoy the delicious flavors with family and friends.
f. Serve with additional condiments like hot sauce or salsa.
g. Store any remaining Paches in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

Substitutions For the Guatemalan Paches Recipe

Vegan Options: For the Guatemalan Paches Recipe

a. Replace the chicken or pork with cooked and shredded tofu.
b. Use vegetable broth instead of meat-based broth.
c. Omit the meat entirely and add extra vegetables for a plant-based filling.
d. Replace any animal-based fats with plant-based oils, such as olive oil or coconut oil.
e. Use plant-based milk, such as almond milk, instead of dairy milk.
f. Ensure any condiments or seasonings used are vegan-friendly.
g. Check all ingredients for animal-derived products and choose vegan alternatives.

Gluten-Free Options:

a. Use gluten-free corn masa or corn flour instead of regular corn masa.
b. Verify that the cooked and shredded chicken or pork is gluten-free, or replace it with gluten-free protein Options.
c. Use gluten-free vegetable broth instead of regular broth.
d. Confirm that all seasonings and condiments used are gluten-free.
e. Check the labels of all ingredients to ensure they are gluten-free, including spices and pre-packaged items.
f. Avoid cross-contamination by using separate utensils and equipment for gluten-free preparation.
g. Look for gluten-free alternatives for any side dishes or condiments served with the Paches.

Vegetarian Options: For the Guatemalan Paches Recipe

a. Omit the chicken or pork and add extra vegetables or plant-based protein alternatives.
b. Use vegetable broth instead of meat-based broth.
c. Add tofu, tempeh, or beans as a replacement for the meat.
d. Ensure all ingredients used are suitable for a vegetarian diet, avoiding any animal-derived products.
e. Use vegetable-based condiments and seasonings instead of those containing animal products.
f. Check labels to verify that pre-packaged ingredients are vegetarian-friendly.
g. Consider adding extra herbs and spices for flavor in the absence of meat.

Mediterranean Diet Options:

a. Use olive oil instead of vegetable oil for a heart-healthy fat source.
b. Incorporate Mediterranean herbs and spices, such as oregano, basil, and parsley, for added flavor.
c. Replace the meat with grilled vegetables or chickpeas for plant-based protein.
d. Opt for low-sodium vegetable broth instead of regular broth.
e. Serve the Paches with a side of Greek salad or tzatziki for a Mediterranean flair.
f. Include olives or sun-dried tomatoes as toppings or garnish for extra Mediterranean flavors.
g. Choose whole-grain alternatives for any bread or grains used in side dishes.

Keto Diet Options: For the Guatemalan Paches Recipe

a. Replace the corn masa with almond flour or coconut flour to reduce carbohydrate content.
b. Use high-fat meats, such as bacon or sausage, instead of chicken or pork.
c. Incorporate low-carb vegetables, such as zucchini or cauliflower, into the filling.
d. Use full-fat dairy products, like cream or cheese, if they fit within your keto diet plan.
e. Opt for high-fat oils, such as coconut oil or avocado oil, for cooking and flavoring.
f. Avoid high-carb condiments and seasonings, opting for keto-friendly Optionss instead.
g. Serve the Paches with a side of low-carb vegetables or a keto-friendly salad.

Heart Healthy Diet Options:

a. Use lean protein Options, such as skinless chicken breast or lean cuts of pork, in moderation.
b. Replace any saturated fats with heart-healthy oils, such as olive oil or canola oil.
c. Add an assortment of colorful vegetables to increase the nutrient content.
d. Choose low-sodium broth or make homemade broth to control the salt content.
e. Season with herbs and spices instead of excessive salt to enhance flavors.
f. Use whole-grain corn masa or a combination of whole grains for added fiber.
g. Serve the Paches with a side of steamed vegetables or a heart-healthy salad.

Paleo Options: For the Guatemalan Paches Recipe

a. Use almond flour or coconut flour instead of corn masa for a grain-free alternative.
b. Replace the meat with wild-caught fish or grass-fed beef for paleo-approved protein.
c. Utilize paleo-friendly fats, such as avocado oil or ghee, for cooking and flavoring.
d. Ensure any condiments or seasonings used are free from grains, legumes, and dairy.
e. Opt for natural sweeteners, like honey or maple syrup, if sweetness is desired.
f. Incorporate paleo-approved herbs and spices, such as turmeric or rosemary, for added flavor.
g. Serve the Paches with paleo-approved side dishes, such as roasted root vegetables or a paleo salad.

Low Carb Options:

a. Replace the corn masa with almond flour or flaxseed meal to reduce carbohydrate content.
b. Use low-carb protein sources, such as chicken breast or lean cuts of pork.
c. Add non-starchy vegetables, like mushrooms or spinach, to enhance the nutritional value.
d. Choose low-sugar or sugar-free condiments and seasonings for flavoring.
e. Opt for cooking oils with minimal carbohydrate content, such as olive oil or coconut oil.
f. Serve the Paches with a side of roasted low-carb vegetables or a mixed greens salad.
g. Check the nutritional information of pre-packaged ingredients to ensure they fit a low-carb diet.

Whole30 Options: For the Guatemalan Paches Recipe

a. Use compliant cooking fats, such as ghee or coconut oil, in place of vegetable oil.
b. Choose high-quality, organic meats without additives or preservatives.
c. Replace corn masa with compliant flours, such as almond flour or cassava flour.
d. Utilize Whole30-approved seasonings and condiments, avoiding any additives or added sugars.
e. Incorporate a variety of compliant vegetables for added nutrients and flavor.
f. Serve the Paches with a side of compliant sauces or salsas for extra taste.
g. Check labels and ingredient lists to ensure compliance with the Whole30 program.

Weight Watchers Options:

a. Use lean protein sources, such as skinless chicken breast or lean cuts of pork.
b. Replace higher-fat ingredients with lower-fat alternatives, such as reduced-fat cheese.
c. Choose low-sodium or reduced-sodium broth to lower the overall sodium content.
d. Use cooking spray or non-stick pans to reduce the amount of added fats.
e. Incorporate a variety of zero-point vegetables to increase volume and fiber.
f. Serve the Paches with a side of zero-point salads or steamed vegetables.
g. Check the Smart Points values of pre-packaged ingredients to track points accurately.

Low Fat Options: For the Guatemalan Paches Recipe

a. Use lean protein sources, such as skinless chicken breast or turkey, to reduce fat content.
b. Replace higher-fat ingredients with lower-fat alternatives, such as fat-free Greek yogurt.
c. Choose low-sodium or reduced-sodium broth to limit the amount of added sodium.
d. Use cooking methods such as baking, steaming, or grilling instead of frying.
e. Replace high-fat oils with non-stick cooking spray or vegetable broth for sautéing.
f. Serve the Paches with a side of steamed or roasted vegetables for a low-fat Options.
g. Check labels for low-fat or fat-free versions of pre-packaged ingredients.

Vegetable Variations:

a. Replace chicken or pork with grilled or roasted vegetables for a vegetarian-friendly Options.
b. Incorporate a variety of seasonal vegetables for added color and flavor.
c. Consider using vegetable broth or stock for a plant-based alternative.
d. Use fresh herbs and spices to enhance the taste of the vegetable-based filling.
e. Experiment with different vegetable combinations to create unique flavor profiles.
f. Add a touch of acidity with a squeeze of lemon or lime for a bright and refreshing twist.
g. Serve the Paches with a side of fresh vegetable salsa or a mixed greens salad.

Paches Tmalaes Recipe in Banana Leaves (1)

FAQ About the Guatemalan Paches Recipe

What is the Guatemalan Paches Recipe?
The Guatemalan Paches Recipe is a traditional dish made with corn masa, cooked and shredded chicken or pork, vegetables, and seasonings. It is wrapped in corn husks and steamed to perfection.

Are the Guatemalan Paches Recipe vegan-friendly?
Yes, the Guatemalan Paches Recipe can be made vegan-friendly by substituting the chicken or pork with cooked and shredded tofu or additional vegetables. Ensure that all ingredients used are suitable for a vegan diet.

Can I make the Guatemalan Paches Recipe gluten-free?
Absolutely! To make the Guatemalan Paches Recipe gluten-free, use gluten-free corn masa or corn flour instead of regular corn masa. Also, ensure that all ingredients, including seasonings and condiments, are certified gluten-free.

Can I make a vegetarian Guatemalan Paches Recipe?
Yes, you can make vegetarian Guatemalan Paches Recipe by omitting the chicken or pork and adding extra vegetables or plant-based protein alternatives. Be sure to use vegetable broth and check that all ingredients are suitable for a vegetarian diet.

How long does it take to steam the Guatemalan Paches Recipe?
The Guatemalan Paches Recipe typically require steaming for approximately 1.5 to 2 hours. However, the cooking time may vary depending on the size and thickness of the Paches. It is important to check their firmness and ensure they are thoroughly cooked before serving.

Final Thoughts

Guatemalan Paches Recipe is a traditional dish with a flavorful combination of corn masa, chicken or pork, vegetables, and seasonings. Wrapped in corn husks and steamed, it offers a versatile Options suitable for various dietary needs, including vegan, gluten-free, and vegetarian diets. The dish can be customized with different fillings and served with side dishes like curtido, guacamole, or black beans. Paches provide a satisfying meal with a balance of flavors and textures.

This recipe highlights the cultural heritage of Guatemala and offers a nutritious Options, rich in protein and essential nutrients. Enjoy the delightful taste and cultural experience of Guatemalan Paches Recipe!

Guatemalan Paches Recipes

Guatemalan Paches Recipe

The flavors of the Guatemalan Paches Recipe are rich and comforting. The corn base provides a subtle sweetness, while the additional ingredients, such as tomatoes, onions, and herbs, add depth and savory notes.
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 1 hour
Cook Time 1 hour 30 minutes
Total Time 2 hours 30 minutes
Course Dinner, Lunch, Main Course
Cuisine Guatemalan
Servings 8 Servings
Calories 488 kcal


  • Large mixing bowl: used to combine the corn masa, cooked and shredded chicken or pork, vegetables, and seasonings.
  • Spoon or spatula: used for mixing the ingredients in the bowl and spreading the corn masa mixture onto the corn husks.
  • Steamer basket: used to hold and steam the Paches.
  • Large pot with lid: filled with water to create steam for cooking the Paches.
  • Toothpick or fork: used to test the doneness of the Paches.


  • 4 cups corn masa corn dough
  • 1 cup chicken or pork cooked and shredded
  • 1 onion finely chopped Medium
  • 2 tomatoes diced
  • 2 garlic cloves minced
  • 1 bell pepper finely chopped
  • 1/4 cup cilantro chopped fresh
  • 2 tablespoons oil vegetable
  • 2 teaspoons cumin ground
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper black
  • 8 large corn husks soaked in water


In a large bowl, combine the corn masa, cooked and shredded chicken or pork, finely chopped vegetables and spices.

  • a. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients together until well combined.
  • b. Ensure the corn masa is evenly incorporated throughout the mixture.
  • c. Use your hands to ensure all the ingredients are evenly distributed.
  • d. Continue mixing until the mixture holds together when squeezed.
  • e. Take care to evenly distribute the seasonings throughout the mixture.
  • f. Make sure the mixture has a balanced flavor profile, adjusting seasonings if necessary.
  • g. Avoid overmixing to prevent the mixture from becoming dense.

Take a soaked corn husk and spread a thin layer of the corn masa mixture onto the center of the husk.

  • a. Use the back of a spoon or spatula to spread the mixture evenly and thinly.
  • b. Leave a small border around the edges of the husk for folding.
  • c. Ensure the filling covers the husk without any gaps.
  • d. Spread the mixture evenly to ensure consistent cooking.
  • e. Avoid spreading the mixture too thickly to prevent undercooking.
  • f. Make sure the layer of filling is not too thin, ensuring a flavorful bite.
  • g. Smooth out the mixture to ensure even cooking and a pleasing texture.

Fold the sides of the corn husk over the filling, creating a rectangular or square shape.

  • a. Make sure the filling is completely covered by the husk.
  • b. Press the sides together firmly to seal the Pache.
  • c. Fold the husk tightly around the filling to prevent any leakage.
  • d. Ensure the folded sides overlap to create a secure seal.
  • e. Seal the Pache tightly to prevent the filling from falling out during cooking.
  • f. Smooth out any folds or creases to maintain an appealing shape.
  • g. Ensure the sides are folded evenly for consistent cooking.

Fold the bottom part of the corn husk up towards the center, covering the sealed filling.

  • a. Fold it tightly and securely to enclose the filling.
  • b. Smooth out any wrinkles or folds in the husk to ensure a neat appearance.
  • c. Press down firmly to ensure the Pache holds its shape during steaming.
  • d. Make sure the bottom fold is secure to prevent unraveling during cooking.
  • e. Ensure the folded bottom is tight to maintain the integrity of the Pache.
  • f. Flatten the folded bottom to provide stability during steaming.
  • g. Ensure the folded bottom is neat and even for consistent cooking.

Repeat steps 2 to 4 with the remaining corn husks and filling mixture.

  • a. Ensure each Pache is tightly wrapped and sealed.
  • b. Arrange them in a steamer basket, placing them seam-side down.
  • c. Avoid overcrowding the steamer basket to allow for even cooking.
  • d. Maintain consistency in the size and shape of each Pache.
  • e. Double-check that each Pache is properly sealed before steaming.
  • f. Space the Paches evenly in the steamer basket to promote even steaming.
  • g. Ensure the Paches are placed with care to maintain their shape during cooking.


Soak the corn husks in warm water for at least 30 minutes before using to make them more pliable.
Spread the corn masa mixture thinly and evenly onto the corn husks using a spoon or spatula.
Press the sides of the corn husks firmly together to ensure a tight seal.
Arrange the Paches in the steamer basket without overcrowding.
Check the water level in the pot periodically.
Keyword Guatemalan Paches Recipe
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