
Easy Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread Recipe

Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread Recipe

The Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread Recipe is a wholesome and nourishing bread that combines the goodness of oatmeal and molasses. This bread recipe brings together a harmonious blend of ingredients that create a delightful taste experience. The distinct flavors of oats and molasses add depth to the bread, making it a satisfying choice for breakfast or as an accompaniment to meals.

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What makes this bread recipe special is its versatility. It can be enjoyed plain, toasted, or even used as a base for sandwiches. The hearty texture of the bread makes it suitable for various toppings and spreads, allowing for endless possibilities in terms of flavor combinations.

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Beyond its delicious taste and versatility, the Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread Recipe offers potential health benefits. Oatmeal, a key ingredient in this recipe, is known for its high fiber content, which aids in digestion and helps maintain a healthy digestive system. Additionally, oats provide essential nutrients such as manganese, phosphorus, and magnesium.

Molasses, another crucial component of this recipe, adds natural sweetness and contributes vital minerals like iron, calcium, and potassium. These minerals are important for maintaining overall health and wellbeing.

The Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread Recipe is a flavorful and versatile bread option that offers potential health benefits. Its combination of oatmeal and molasses creates a unique taste profile, while its hearty texture allows for various culinary applications. Whether enjoyed plain, toasted, or as a foundation for sandwiches, this bread is sure to satisfy both your taste buds and nutritional needs.

Norwegian PIN

How To Make Our the Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread Recipe

Ingredients (8 Servings)

2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup rolled oats
1/4 cup molasses
1 1/2 teaspoons active dry yeast
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 cup warm water


1. Mixing the Ingredients

In a large mixing bowl, combine the all-purpose flour, rolled oats, and salt.
In a separate bowl, dissolve the active dry yeast in warm water and let it sit for a few minutes until it becomes frothy.
Add the frothy yeast mixture, molasses, and vegetable oil to the dry ingredients.
Stir the mixture with a wooden spoon or a dough whisk until the ingredients are well combined and form a shaggy dough.
Knead the dough in the bowl for a few minutes until it starts to come together.
Transfer the dough to a lightly floured surface and continue kneading for about 8-10 minutes until the dough becomes smooth and elastic.

2. First Rise

Shape the kneaded dough into a ball.
Grease a clean bowl with oil and place the dough in the bowl, turning it to coat it with oil.
Cover the bowl with a clean kitchen towel or plastic wrap.
Allow the dough to rise in a warm, draft-free place for approximately 1 to 1.5 hours or until it doubles in size.
During this time, the yeast will ferment and the dough will become airy and light.

3. Shaping the Loaf

Once the dough has doubled in size, gently punch it down to release any air bubbles.
Transfer the dough to a lightly floured surface.
Shape the dough into a loaf by folding the sides towards the center, and then rolling it tightly from one end to the other.
Pinch the seams to seal the loaf.
Place the shaped loaf on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

4. Second Rise

Cover the shaped loaf with a clean kitchen towel or plastic wrap.
Allow the loaf to rise for the second time in a warm, draft-free place for approximately 30 to 45 minutes or until it increases in size by about 50%.

5. Preparing for Baking

Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C) and place a baking pan filled with water on the lower rack of the oven. This will create steam and help develop a crisp crust.
Optionally, you can sprinkle some rolled oats on top of the loaf for added texture.

6. Baking the Bread

Once the second rise is complete, carefully remove the cover from the loaf.
Place the baking sheet with the loaf on the center rack of the preheated oven.
Bake for approximately 35 to 40 minutes or until the bread is golden brown and sounds hollow when tapped on the bottom.
If desired, you can check the internal temperature of the bread using a food thermometer. It should register around 190°F (88°C) when fully baked.

7. Cooling and Enjoying

Remove the baked bread from the oven and transfer it to a wire rack to cool completely.
Allow the bread to cool for at least 1 hour before slicing.
Once cooled, slice the Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread and serve it with your favorite spreads or use it for sandwiches.
Store any leftover bread in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 3 days, or freeze it for longer storage.

Prep Time: 20 minutes

Cooking Time: 35-40 minutes

Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread

Pots, Pan and Cooking Equipment Needed for the Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread Recipe

Mixing bowl: Used to combine the dry ingredients and the wet ingredients.
Dough whisk or wooden spoon: Used for stirring and mixing the dough.
Clean kitchen towel or plastic wrap: Used to cover the dough during the rising process.
Baking sheet: Used to shape and bake the loaf.
Parchment paper: Placed on the baking sheet to prevent sticking.
Wire rack: Used for cooling the baked bread.
Bread knife: Used for slicing the cooled bread.
Airtight container: Used for storing any leftover bread.

Best Way to Store Leftovers From the the Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread Recipe

a. Allow the bread to cool completely before storing.
b. Slice the bread or keep it whole, depending on your preference.
c. Wrap the bread tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil to prevent it from drying out.
d. Alternatively, place the sliced or whole bread in an airtight container.
e. Store the bread at room temperature for up to 3 days for optimal freshness.
f. For longer storage, freeze the bread by wrapping it in plastic wrap and placing it in a freezer-safe bag or container.
g. Label the container with the date and contents for easy identification.

Tips and Tricks For Easier Creation

Use warm water for activating the yeast, but ensure it’s not too hot to avoid killing the yeast.
Measure the ingredients accurately for consistent results.
Knead the dough thoroughly to develop gluten and create a good texture.
If the dough is too sticky, add a small amount of flour gradually until it becomes manageable.
Ensure the dough has enough time to rise properly, as this contributes to a lighter and fluffier bread.
To enhance the flavors, you can add additional ingredients like nuts, seeds, or spices to the dough.

Side Dishes and Desserts For the the Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread Recipe

a. Creamy vegetable soup: The bread pairs well with a comforting bowl of soup.
b. Cheese and charcuterie platter: Enjoy the bread with a variety of cheeses, cured meats, and accompaniments.
c. Smoked salmon and cream cheese: Spread cream cheese on the bread slices and top with smoked salmon for an appetizing snack.
d. Tomato and basil salad: Serve the bread alongside a refreshing salad for a lighter meal option.

How To Serve the Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread Recipe

a. Allow the baked bread to cool on a wire rack for at least 1 hour before slicing.
b. Use a sharp bread knife to slice the loaf evenly.
c. Serve the bread slices plain or toasted, according to personal preference.
d. If desired, accompany the bread with butter, jam, or other spreads.
e. Enjoy the Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread as a standalone snack, with meals, or as a base for sandwiches.
f. To add a touch of warmth and comfort, consider serving the bread slightly toasted with a drizzle of honey.

Substitutions For the Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread Recipe

1. Vegan Options: For the Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread Recipe

a. Replace honey with maple syrup or agave nectar as a plant-based sweetener.
b. Use plant-based milk, such as almond milk or oat milk, instead of regular milk.
c. Substitute butter with vegan butter or coconut oil for the Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread Recipe.
d. Replace eggs with a flax egg (1 tablespoon ground flaxseed mixed with 3 tablespoons water) or applesauce for moisture.
e. Use whole wheat flour or gluten-free flour blend in place of all-purpose flour.
f. Swap regular molasses with blackstrap molasses for a richer flavor.
g. Add chopped nuts, seeds, or dried fruits for added texture and flavor.

2. Gluten-Free Options:

a. Use certified gluten-free oats instead of regular rolled oats in the Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread Recipe.
b. Replace all-purpose flour with a gluten-free flour blend or almond flour.
c. Substitute regular molasses with blackstrap molasses for a deeper taste.
d. Use a gluten-free plant-based milk, such as almond milk or coconut milk.
e. Replace butter with a dairy-free, gluten-free margarine or coconut oil.
f. Consider adding gluten-free grains, such as quinoa or amaranth, for added nutrition.
g. Use a gluten-free baking powder to ensure the bread rises properly.

3. Vegetarian Options: For the Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread Recipe

a. No specific substitutions are required as the base recipe is already vegetarian.

4. Mediterranean Diet Options:

a. Use whole wheat flour or a mixture of whole wheat and all-purpose flour for added fiber.
b. Replace butter with extra virgin olive oil for a heart-healthy fat source.
c. Add herbs such as rosemary, oregano, or thyme to enhance the Mediterranean flavors.
d. Include olives, sun-dried tomatoes, or feta cheese as toppings or mix-ins with the Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread Recipe.
e. Serve the bread with a side of Greek salad or hummus for a Mediterranean-inspired meal.
f. Sprinkle a little sea salt and drizzle extra virgin olive oil on top of the bread before baking.
g. Consider using whole wheat pastry flour for a lighter texture while maintaining the whole grain benefits.

5. Keto Diet Options: For the Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread Recipe

a. Use almond flour or coconut flour instead of all-purpose flour to reduce carbohydrate content.
b. Substitute butter with coconut oil or ghee for a ketogenic-friendly fat source.
c. Use a low-carb sweetener such as erythritol or stevia instead of molasses or honey.
d. Incorporate flaxseed meal or psyllium husk powder for added fiber and to bind the dough.
e. Include low-carb add-ins like chopped nuts or seeds, such as almonds or chia seeds.
f. Serve the bread with high-fat spreads like avocado, cream cheese, or nut butter.
g. Consider adding spices like cinnamon or cardamom for extra flavor without adding carbs.

6. Heart Healthy Diet Options:

a. Use whole wheat flour or a mixture of whole wheat and all-purpose flour for added fiber.
b. Replace butter with a heart-healthy oil like canola oil or avocado oil in the Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread Recipe.
c. Use a low sodium salt substitute or reduce the amount of salt in the recipe.
d. Add ground flaxseed or chia seeds for omega-3 fatty acids and added nutrition.
e. Incorporate nuts such as walnuts or almonds for healthy fats and crunch.
f. Serve the bread with fresh fruits or a fruit compote instead of sugary spreads.
g. Consider using Greek yogurt in place of some of the liquid ingredients for added protein and creaminess.

7. Paleo Options: For the Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread Recipe

a. Replace all-purpose flour with almond flour or coconut flour for a grain-free option.
b. Use grass-fed ghee or coconut oil instead of butter for the Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread Recipe.
c. Substitute honey with coconut nectar or pure maple syrup.
d. Add unsweetened shredded coconut for added texture and flavor.
e. Include paleo-friendly add-ins like chopped nuts or dark chocolate chunks.
f. Serve the bread with homemade nut butter or a sugar-free fruit spread.
g. Consider adding spices like cinnamon or nutmeg for warm and aromatic notes.

8. Low Carb Options: For the Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread Recipe

a. Use almond flour or coconut flour instead of all-purpose flour to reduce carbohydrate content.
b. Replace regular molasses with sugar-free or low-carb syrup for a similar taste.
c. Substitute butter with coconut oil or ghee for a low-carb fat source.
d. Include low-carb sweeteners like erythritol or stevia instead of honey or regular sugar.
e. Incorporate crushed pork rinds or flaxseed meal for a low-carb bread crumb texture.
f. Serve the bread with low-carb spreads like sugar-free jam or cream cheese.
g. Consider adding savory herbs and spices, like garlic powder or onion powder, for extra flavor.

9. Whole 30 Options: For the Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread Recipe

a. Use almond flour or coconut flour instead of all-purpose flour for a grain-free option.
b. Replace regular molasses with unsweetened applesauce or date paste with the Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread Recipe.
c. Substitute butter with ghee or clarified butter for a Whole30-compliant fat source.
d. Add compliant spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, or ginger for enhanced flavor.
e. Include unsweetened dried fruits, such as raisins or cranberries, for natural sweetness.
f. Serve the bread with compliant spreads like almond butter or homemade avocado mayo.
g. Consider adding compliant nuts or seeds, like chopped almonds or pumpkin seeds, for added texture.

10. Weight Watchers Options:

a. Use whole wheat flour or a mixture of whole wheat and all-purpose flour for added fiber.
b. Replace regular molasses with unsweetened applesauce or a sugar-free syrup.
c. Substitute butter with a low-fat spread or light margarine to reduce fat content.
d. Use a sugar substitute or natural sweeteners like stevia or monk fruit extract.
e. Incorporate fruits like diced apples or mashed bananas for natural sweetness and moisture.
f. Serve the bread with light cream cheese or a low-fat yogurt-based spread for the Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread Recipe.
g. Consider adding spices like cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice for added flavor without adding points.

11. Low Fat Options: For the Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread Recipe

a. Use whole wheat flour or a mixture of whole wheat and all-purpose flour for added fiber.
b. Replace butter with unsweetened applesauce or mashed banana for moisture in the Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread Recipe.
c. Use a sugar substitute or natural sweeteners like stevia or applesauce to reduce added sugar.
d. Incorporate non-fat yogurt or skim milk in place of regular milk for moisture.
e. Include fruits like diced apples or shredded zucchini for natural sweetness and texture.
f. Serve the bread with low-fat spreads like light cream cheese or fruit preserves.
g. Consider adding spices like cinnamon or nutmeg for added flavor without adding fat.

12. Vegetable Variations:

a. Add grated carrots or zucchini to the dough for added moisture and nutrients.
b. Mix in chopped spinach or kale leaves for a vibrant green color and extra fiber.
c. Include roasted red peppers or sun-dried tomatoes for a burst of flavor.
d. Add sautéed onions or leeks for savory depth in the Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread Recipe.
e. Incorporate grated beets for natural sweetness and a colorful twist.
f. Use fresh herbs like rosemary, thyme, or basil to enhance the vegetable flavors.
g. Experiment with different vegetable combinations to create your own unique variation.

Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread

FAQ About the Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread Recipe

What is the Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread Recipe?
The Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread Recipe is a wholesome bread made with ingredients such as all-purpose flour, rolled oats, molasses, yeast, salt, vegetable oil, and warm water. It offers a unique combination of flavors, including the nuttiness of oats and the subtle sweetness of molasses.

How long does it take to make the Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread Recipe?
The estimated prep time for the Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread Recipe is approximately 20 minutes. This includes gathering and measuring the ingredients, as well as mixing the dough. The estimated cooking time is around 35 to 40 minutes, depending on your oven.

Can I make substitutions or adjustments to the Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread Recipe?
Yes, you can make substitutions or adjustments to the Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread Recipe to suit your dietary preferences or needs. For example, you can use alternative flours like gluten-free flour for a gluten-free version or almond flour for a lower-carb option. Check the provided substitutions for various diets to customize the recipe accordingly.

How should I store the Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread leftovers?
To store the Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread leftovers, allow the bread to cool completely. Then, wrap it tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil to maintain its freshness. Alternatively, you can place the sliced or whole bread in an airtight container. Store the bread at room temperature for up to 3 days or freeze it for longer storage.

What are some serving suggestions for the Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread?
The Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread can be served in various ways. You can enjoy it plain or toasted with your favorite spreads like butter, jam, or cream cheese. It also makes a great base for sandwiches, both sweet and savory. Consider serving it alongside soups, salads, or as a delicious accompaniment to Mediterranean-inspired dishes.

Final Thoughts

The Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread Recipe is a delightful combination of oats and molasses, resulting in a satisfying taste experience. This bread is versatile and can be enjoyed plain, toasted, or used as a base for sandwiches. It offers potential health benefits due to the high fiber content of oats, aiding digestion, and providing essential nutrients. Molasses contributes natural sweetness and important minerals. With its hearty texture and unique flavor profile, this bread is a nutritious and delicious addition to any meal.

Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread Recipe

Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread Recipe

The Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread Recipe is a wholesome and nourishing bread that combines the goodness of oatmeal and molasses.
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 45 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 5 minutes
Course bread
Cuisine Norwegian
Servings 8 Servings
Calories 200 kcal


  • Mixing bowl: Used to combine the dry ingredients and the wet ingredients.
  • Dough whisk or wooden spoon: Used for stirring and mixing the dough.
  • Clean kitchen towel or plastic wrap: Used to cover the dough during the rising process.
  • Baking sheet: Used to shape and bake the loaf.
  • Parchment paper: Placed on the baking sheet to prevent sticking.
  • Wire rack: Used for cooling the baked bread.
  • Bread knife: Used for slicing the cooled bread.
  • Airtight container: Used for storing any leftover bread.


  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup oats rolled
  • 1/4 cup molasses
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons active dry yeast
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 1 cup warm water


Mixing the Ingredients

  • In a large mixing bowl, combine the all-purpose flour, rolled oats, and salt.
  • In a separate bowl, dissolve the active dry yeast in warm water and let it sit for a few minutes until it becomes frothy.
  • Add the frothy yeast mixture, molasses, and vegetable oil to the dry ingredients.
  • Stir the mixture with a wooden spoon or a dough whisk until the ingredients are well combined and form a shaggy dough.
  • Knead the dough in the bowl for a few minutes until it starts to come together.
  • Transfer the dough to a lightly floured surface and continue kneading for about 8-10 minutes until the dough becomes smooth and elastic.

First Rise

  • Shape the kneaded dough into a ball.
  • Grease a clean bowl with oil and place the dough in the bowl, turning it to coat it with oil.
  • Cover the bowl with a clean kitchen towel or plastic wrap.
  • Allow the dough to rise in a warm, draft-free place for approximately 1 to 1.5 hours or until it doubles in size.
  • During this time, the yeast will ferment and the dough will become airy and light.
  • Shaping the Loaf
  • Once the dough has doubled in size, gently punch it down to release any air bubbles.

Transfer the dough to a lightly floured surface.

  • Shape the dough into a loaf by folding the sides towards the center, and then rolling it tightly from one end to the other.
  • Pinch the seams to seal the loaf.
  • Place the shaped loaf on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

Second Rise

  • Cover the shaped loaf with a clean kitchen towel or plastic wrap.
  • Allow the loaf to rise for the second time in a warm, draft-free place for approximately 30 to 45 minutes or until it increases in size by about 50%.

Preparing for Baking

  • Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C) and place a baking pan filled with water on the lower rack of the oven. This will create steam and help develop a crisp crust.
  • Optionally, you can sprinkle some rolled oats on top of the loaf for added texture.

Baking the Bread

  • Once the second rise is complete, carefully remove the cover from the loaf.
  • Place the baking sheet with the loaf on the center rack of the preheated oven.
  • Bake for approximately 35 to 40 minutes or until the bread is golden brown and sounds hollow when tapped on the bottom.
  • If desired, you can check the internal temperature of the bread using a food thermometer. It should register around 190°F (88°C) when fully baked.

Cooling and Enjoying

  • Remove the baked bread from the oven and transfer it to a wire rack to cool completely.
  • Allow the bread to cool for at least 1 hour before slicing.
  • Once cooled, slice the Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread and serve it with your favorite spreads or use it for sandwiches.
  • Store any leftover bread in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 3 days, or freeze it for longer storage.


Use warm water for activating the yeast, but ensure it's not too hot to avoid killing the yeast.
Measure the ingredients accurately for consistent results.
Knead the dough thoroughly to develop gluten and create a good texture.
If the dough is too sticky, add a small amount of flour gradually until it becomes manageable.
Ensure the dough has enough time to rise properly, as this contributes to a lighter and fluffier bread.
To enhance the flavors, you can add additional ingredients like nuts, seeds, or spices to the dough.
Keyword Norwegian Oatmeal Molasses Bread Recipe
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