
Cajun BBQ Alligator Recipe

Cajun BBQ Alligator Recipe

The Cajun BBQ Alligator Recipe is a popular dish in Cajun cuisine. It is made from alligator meat, which is marinated and cooked with Cajun spices and barbecue sauce. This recipe is known for its unique flavor and is a favorite among those who enjoy trying exotic meats.

Health Benefits:
1. Lean Protein: Alligator meat is low in fat and a good source of lean protein. It can be a healthier alternative to traditional meats like beef or pork.

2. Nutrient Rich: Alligator meat is rich in essential nutrients such as vitamin B12, niacin, and phosphorus. These nutrients are important for overall health and well-being.

3. Low in Calories: Compared to other meats, alligator meat is relatively low in calories, making it a suitable choice for those watching their calorie intake.

4. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Alligator meat contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are known for their heart-healthy benefits. Omega-3s can help reduce the risk of heart disease.

5. Iron Content: Alligator meat is a good source of iron, which is essential for the production of red blood cells and oxygen transport in the body.

In summary, the Cajun BBQ Alligator Recipe is a flavorful dish that offers several health benefits. It is a good source of lean protein, essential nutrients, and omega-3 fatty acids. Additionally, it is low in calories and can be a nutritious addition to a balanced diet.

Cajun BBQ Alligator Recipe

How To Make Our Cajun BBQ Alligator Recipe

Ingredients (8 Servings)

2 cups buttermilk
½ tbsp. Frank’s hot sauce
1 tbsp. smoked paprika
2 tsp. garlic powder
2 tsp. onion powder
2 tsp. Kosher salt
5 lbs. alligator ribs (approximately 10-12 small racks)
¼ cup yellow mustard
½ cup of your favorite barbecue dry rub seasoning
½ cup apple juice
2 cups of your favorite barbecue sauce


1. In a large bowl, combine 2 cups of buttermilk and ½ tablespoon of Louisiana hot sauce . Mix well to create a marinade for the alligator ribs.

a. Pour 2 cups of buttermilk into the bowl.
b. Add ½ tablespoon of Louisiana hot sauce.
c. Thoroughly mix the buttermilk and hot sauce together.

2. Add 1 tablespoon of smoked paprika, 2 teaspoons of garlic powder, 2 teaspoons of onion powder, and 2 teaspoons of Kosher salt to the buttermilk mixture. Stir until the spices are evenly distributed.

a. Measure and add 1 tablespoon of smoked paprika.
b. Measure and add 2 teaspoons of garlic powder.
c. Measure and add 2 teaspoons of onion powder.
d. Measure and add 2 teaspoons of Kosher salt.
e. Stir the spices into the buttermilk mixture until well combined.

3. Place 5 pounds of alligator ribs (approximately 10-12 small racks) into the marinade, ensuring they are fully submerged. Cover the bowl and refrigerate for at least 4 hours or overnight to allow the flavors to infuse.

a. Place the alligator ribs in the marinade.
b. Ensure the ribs are fully submerged in the marinade.
c. Cover the bowl with a lid or plastic wrap.
d. Refrigerate the marinating ribs for at least 4 hours or overnight.

4. Preheat your grill to medium-high heat (about 350-375°F or 175-190°C).

a. Start your grill and adjust the temperature to medium-high.

5. Remove the marinated alligator ribs from the refrigerator and drain off the excess marinade.

a. Take the marinated ribs out of the refrigerator.
b. Allow any excess marinade to drip off the ribs.

6. Brush each rack with ¼ cup of yellow mustard, coating them evenly.

a. Use a brush to apply ¼ cup of yellow mustard to each rack.
b. Ensure an even coating of mustard on the ribs.

7. Sprinkle ½ cup of your favorite barbecue dry rub seasoning over the mustard-coated ribs, making sure to cover them thoroughly.

a. Evenly sprinkle ½ cup of dry rub seasoning onto the mustard-coated ribs.

8. Place the seasoned alligator ribs on the preheated grill (h). Cook for approximately 10-15 minutes on each side, or until they are cooked through and have a nice char.

a. Put the seasoned ribs on the grill grates.
b. Grill each side for 10-15 minutes, or until they are fully cooked and charred.

9. During the last few minutes of grilling, baste the ribs with ½ cup of apple juice. This will add a hint of sweetness and moisture to the meat.

a. Use a brush to baste the ribs with ½ cup of apple juice during the final minutes of grilling.

10. In the final moments of grilling, brush 2 cups of your favorite barbecue sauce onto the ribs, allowing it to caramelize slightly.

a. Brush 2 cups of barbecue sauce onto the ribs just before removing them from the grill.

11. Remove the Cajun BBQ alligator ribs from the grill when they reach an internal temperature of 160°F (71°C).

a. Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of the ribs.

12. Let the ribs rest for a few minutes before slicing and serving.

a. Allow the ribs to rest briefly before cutting them into portions.

Estimated Prep Time: 4 hours (marinating time not included)

Estimated Cooking Time: 30-40 minutes

Cajun BBQ Alligator Recipe

Pots, Pans and Cooking Equipment Needed for The Cajun Alligator Ribs Recipe

Large Bowl
Brush for Basting
Meat Thermometer

Tips and Tricks For Easier Creation

Marinate the alligator ribs for at least 4 hours for better flavor.
Use a meat thermometer to ensure the alligator ribs reach an internal temperature of 160°F (71°C).
Let the ribs rest before slicing to retain juices.
Customize the dry rub seasoning and barbecue sauce to your taste.
Maintain medium-high grill heat for even cooking.
Baste with apple juice and apply barbecue sauce in the final minutes of grilling.
Use yellow mustard as a flavor base before applying the dry rub.

Side Dishes and Desserts For the The Cajun Alligator Ribs Recipe

Potato Salad
Collard Greens
Grilled Vegetables
Cajun Rice
Baked Beans

How To Serve the Cajun Alligator Ribs Recipe

Slice the cooked alligator ribs into portions.
Arrange the ribs on a serving platter.
Serve alongside your chosen side dishes.
Provide extra barbecue sauce for dipping if desired.
Enjoy the Cajun BBQ Alligator Recipe with friends and family.

Dietary Substitution For The Cajun Alligator Ribs Recipe

1. Vegan Options for the Cajun BBQ Alligator Recipe:

a. Replace alligator ribs with seitan or tempeh.
b. Use plant-based buttermilk made from almond or soy milk.
c. Substitute yellow mustard with a vegan-friendly alternative.
d. Opt for a vegan dry rub seasoning without animal products.
e. Choose a barbecue sauce labeled as vegan.
f. Use smoked paprika and garlic/onion powder (ensure no additives).
g. Consider using jackfruit as a meat substitute.

2. Gluten-Free Options for the Cajun BBQ Alligator Recipe:

a. Verify that the dry rub seasoning is gluten-free.
b. Ensure the chosen barbecue sauce is gluten-free.
c. Substitute regular mustard with gluten-free mustard.
d. Use gluten-free apple juice.
e. Check the labels to ensure all ingredients are gluten-free.
f. Select gluten-free alligator ribs (verify with the supplier).
g. Confirm that the hot sauce is gluten-free.

3. Vegetarian Options for the Cajun BBQ Alligator Recipe:

a. Replace alligator ribs with meatless ribs.
b. Use vegetarian buttermilk (made from dairy-free milk).
c. Opt for a vegetarian dry rub seasoning.
d. Choose a vegetarian barbecue sauce.
e. Use smoked paprika and garlic/onion powder (no animal products).
f. Consider using portobello mushrooms or eggplant.
g. Ensure the hot sauce is vegetarian.

4. Mediterranean Diet Options for the Cajun BBQ Alligator Recipe:

a. Serve with a Mediterranean-inspired salad on the side.
b. Use a Mediterranean-style dry rub with herbs like oregano and thyme.
c. Add grilled vegetables as a side dish.
d. Incorporate olive oil for a Mediterranean touch.
e. Include Greek yogurt-based sauce for dipping.
f. Season with Mediterranean sea salt.
g. Serve with lemon wedges for added Mediterranean flavor.

5. Keto Diet Options for the Cajun BBQ Alligator Recipe:

a. Adjust the portion size of alligator ribs to fit keto macros.
b. Choose a low-carb dry rub seasoning.
c. Use a sugar-free barbecue sauce.
d. Ensure the chosen mustard is keto-friendly.
e. Check hot sauce for added sugars (choose a keto-friendly brand).
f. Serve with keto-friendly vegetable sides.
g. Garnish with chopped herbs like cilantro or parsley.

6. Heart Healthy Diet Options for the Cajun BBQ Alligator Recipe:

a. Use lean cuts of alligator meat to reduce saturated fat.
b. Select a low-sodium or salt-free dry rub seasoning.
c. Opt for a barbecue sauce with reduced sodium.
d. Replace yellow mustard with a low-sodium alternative.
e. Choose a heart-healthy hot sauce without added sodium.
f. Grill vegetables as a heart-healthy side dish.
g. Use olive oil sparingly for added flavor.

7. Paleo Options for the Cajun BBQ Alligator Recipe:

a. Stick to whole, unprocessed ingredients.
b. Use a paleo-friendly dry rub seasoning.
c. Select a barbecue sauce without added sugars.
d. Substitute yellow mustard with a paleo-friendly option.
e. Choose a hot sauce without additives.
f. Serve with roasted sweet potatoes or other paleo-approved sides.
g. Verify that the alligator ribs are sourced without additives.

8. Low Carb Options for the Cajun BBQ Alligator Recipe:

a. Adjust the portion size of alligator ribs to fit low-carb macros.
b. Choose a low-carb dry rub seasoning.
c. Use a sugar-free barbecue sauce.
d. Ensure the chosen mustard is low-carb.
e. Check hot sauce for added sugars (choose a low-carb brand).
f. Serve with low-carb vegetable sides.
g. Garnish with fresh herbs and lemon zest.

9. Whole30 Options for the Cajun BBQ Alligator Recipe:

a. Use compliant alligator ribs (no additives or sugar).
b. Select a Whole30-approved dry rub seasoning.
c. Choose a barbecue sauce with no added sugar or non-compliant ingredients.
d. Substitute yellow mustard with a compliant alternative.
e. Verify that the hot sauce is Whole30-friendly.
f. Serve with roasted vegetables or a Whole30-compliant side.
g. Check labels to ensure all ingredients are Whole30-approved.

10. Weight Watchers Options for the Cajun BBQ Alligator Recipe:

a. Adjust portion sizes to fit Weight Watchers SmartPoints.
b. Use a dry rub seasoning with low or no added sugars.
c. Choose a barbecue sauce with reduced sugar and lower SmartPoints.
d. Replace yellow mustard with a low SmartPoints alternative.
e. Check the hot sauce for its SmartPoints value (choose wisely).
f. Serve with Weight Watchers-friendly vegetable sides.
g. Use cooking spray instead of oil for fewer SmartPoints.

11. Low Fat Options for the Cajun BBQ Alligator Recipe:

a. Select lean alligator ribs or trim excess fat.
b. Use a low-fat or fat-free buttermilk substitute.
c. Opt for a dry rub seasoning without added fats.
d. Choose a low-fat barbecue sauce.
e. Use yellow mustard with minimal fat content.
f. Check the hot sauce for fat content (opt for low-fat options).
g. Grill or bake vegetable sides without excessive oil.

12. Vegetable Variations for the Cajun BBQ Alligator Recipe:

a. Experiment with different vegetables for grilling or roasting.
b. Consider serving the Cajun BBQ sauce over grilled veggies.
c. Use vegetable-based marinades for added flavor.
d. Include a variety of colorful veggies for a visually appealing dish.
e. Try grilled asparagus, bell peppers, zucchini, or corn.
f. Mix in some roasted root vegetables for a hearty side.
g. Explore different vegetable pairings for a unique twist.

It’s always recommended to check labels, choose quality ingredients, and consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian for personalized advice.

Cajun BBQ Alligator Recipe

FAQ About The Cajun Alligator Ribs Recipe

What is the Cajun BBQ Alligator Recipe?
The Cajun BBQ Alligator Recipe is a dish made from alligator ribs marinated in Cajun spices and barbecue sauce, then grilled to perfection.

Where can I find alligator ribs for this recipe?
Alligator ribs can typically be found in specialty meat stores, online meat suppliers, or some well-stocked supermarkets, especially in regions where alligator meat is consumed.

How long should I marinate the alligator ribs?
It’s recommended to marinate the alligator ribs for at least 4 hours or overnight to allow the flavors to infuse.

What are some possible side dishes to serve with the Cajun BBQ Alligator Recipe?
Common side dishes include coleslaw, cornbread, potato salad, collard greens, grilled vegetables, Cajun rice, and baked beans.

Can I make this recipe with a vegetarian or vegan alternative?
Yes, you can adapt the recipe by using plant-based meat substitutes such as seitan or tempeh for a vegan version, or meatless ribs for a vegetarian option. Adjust other ingredients accordingly to suit your dietary preferences.

Final Thoughts

The Cajun BBQ Alligator Recipe offers a flavorful culinary adventure. This dish features alligator ribs marinated in a blend of buttermilk, Louisiana hot sauce, and a mix of spices like smoked paprika, garlic powder, and onion powder. After marinating, the ribs are grilled to perfection, imparting a smoky and savory taste. This recipe can be customized with your favorite barbecue sauce and dry rub seasoning. It pairs excellently with classic Southern sides like coleslaw, cornbread, and collard greens. Whether you’re seeking a unique and adventurous meal or a taste of Southern cuisine, the Cajun BBQ Alligator Recipe delivers a memorable dining experience.

Cajun BBQ Alligator Recipe

Cajun BBQ Alligator Recipe

The Cajun BBQ Alligator Recipe is a popular dish in Cajun cuisine. It is made from alligator meat, which is marinated and cooked with Cajun spices and barbecue sauce.
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 4 hours
Cook Time 40 minutes
Total Time 4 hours 40 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine United States
Servings 8 People
Calories 199 kcal


  • large bowl
  • Grill
  • Brush for basting
  • Meat thermometer


  • 2 cups buttermilk
  • ½ tbsp. Frank’s hot sauce
  • 1 tbsp. paprika smoked
  • 2 tsp. garlic powder
  • 2 tsp. onion powder
  • 2 tsp. Kosher salt
  • 5 lbs. alligator ribs approximately 10-12 small racks
  • ¼ cup yellow mustard
  • ½ cup dry rub of your favorite barbecue dry rub seasoning
  • ½ cup apple juice
  • 2 cups barbecue sauce your favorite


In a large bowl, combine 2 cups of buttermilk and ½ tablespoon of Louisiana hot sauce . Mix well to create a marinade for the alligator ribs.

  • a. Pour 2 cups of buttermilk into the bowl.
  • b. Add ½ tablespoon of Louisiana hot sauce.
  • c. Thoroughly mix the buttermilk and hot sauce together.

Add 1 tablespoon of smoked paprika, 2 teaspoons of garlic powder, 2 teaspoons of onion powder, and 2 teaspoons of Kosher salt to the buttermilk mixture. Stir until the spices are evenly distributed.

  • a. Measure and add 1 tablespoon of smoked paprika.
  • b. Measure and add 2 teaspoons of garlic powder.
  • c. Measure and add 2 teaspoons of onion powder.
  • d. Measure and add 2 teaspoons of Kosher salt.
  • e. Stir the spices into the buttermilk mixture until well combined.

Place 5 pounds of alligator ribs (approximately 10-12 small racks) into the marinade, ensuring they are fully submerged. Cover the bowl and refrigerate for at least 4 hours or overnight to allow the flavors to infuse.

  • a. Place the alligator ribs in the marinade.
  • b. Ensure the ribs are fully submerged in the marinade.
  • c. Cover the bowl with a lid or plastic wrap.
  • d. Refrigerate the marinating ribs for at least 4 hours or overnight.

Preheat your grill to medium-high heat (about 350-375°F or 175-190°C).

  • a. Start your grill and adjust the temperature to medium-high.

Remove the marinated alligator ribs from the refrigerator and drain off the excess marinade.

  • a. Take the marinated ribs out of the refrigerator.
  • b. Allow any excess marinade to drip off the ribs.

Brush each rack with ¼ cup of yellow mustard, coating them evenly.

  • a. Use a brush to apply ¼ cup of yellow mustard to each rack.
  • b. Ensure an even coating of mustard on the ribs.

Sprinkle ½ cup of your favorite barbecue dry rub seasoning over the mustard-coated ribs, making sure to cover them thoroughly.

  • a. Evenly sprinkle ½ cup of dry rub seasoning onto the mustard-coated ribs.

Place the seasoned alligator ribs on the preheated grill (h). Cook for approximately 10-15 minutes on each side, or until they are cooked through and have a nice char.

  • a. Put the seasoned ribs on the grill grates.
  • b. Grill each side for 10-15 minutes, or until they are fully cooked and charred.

During the last few minutes of grilling, baste the ribs with ½ cup of apple juice. This will add a hint of sweetness and moisture to the meat.

  • a. Use a brush to baste the ribs with ½ cup of apple juice during the final minutes of grilling.

In the final moments of grilling, brush 2 cups of your favorite barbecue sauce onto the ribs, allowing it to caramelize slightly.

  • a. Brush 2 cups of barbecue sauce onto the ribs just before removing them from the grill.

Remove the Cajun BBQ alligator ribs from the grill when they reach an internal temperature of 160°F (71°C).

  • a. Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of the ribs.

Let the ribs rest for a few minutes before slicing and serving.

  • a. Allow the ribs to rest briefly before cutting them into portions.


Marinate the alligator ribs for at least 4 hours for better flavor.
Use a meat thermometer to ensure the alligator ribs reach an internal temperature of 160°F (71°C).
Let the ribs rest before slicing to retain juices.
Customize the dry rub seasoning and barbecue sauce to your taste.
Maintain medium-high grill heat for even cooking.
Baste with apple juice and apply barbecue sauce in the final minutes of grilling.
Use yellow mustard as a flavor base before applying the dry rub.
Keyword Cajun BBQ Alligator Recipe
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