21 Favorite Traditional Brazillian Recipes
Traditional Brazilian recipes are a mix from many cultures. Despite having many influences, the basis of Brazilian gastronomy is founded on the mixture of three cultures: -Indigenous, Portuguese and Indian, the latter motivated by commercial and political relations between Portugal and India in the 15th century and upwards. ✅ GET THE COMPLETE BRAZILIAN RECIPES HERE : https://ourbigescape.com/21-favorite-traditional-brazilian-recipes/ 🔴 Subscribe to Our Big Escape Channel for more videos just like this: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCui8qQuvNXnj5ssL5Y9nDuA?sub_confirmation=1 The History of Traditional Brazilian Food Brazil is a large country with a diverse population. Each single region of Brazil has its own food specialties, the Portuguese arriving in Brazil around the year 1500 and bringing their styles of cooking and tastes with them. Traditional Brazilian food is therefore as diverse as the population, the Portuguese bringing with them citrus fruits, sugar, and many sweets that are still found predominantly in the Brazilian diet of today. The “sweet tooth” that is so common in Brazil is often blamed on European influence and most especially from Portugal. Brazil is a nation that loves sweet treats, traditional Brazilian food containing fruits and spices and eggs to make dishes like ambrosia. Asides sweet spices like cloves and cinnamon, Brazilians also use savory seasonings such as garlic and parsley. Asides the influxes of Portuguese in Brazil, many Germans, Arabs, and Japanese have also settled in Brazil, as well as 1 million migrants from Italy who came to South America 1880. Each group of immigrants brought with them their own culinary styles that can be seen in both traditional Brazilian food and modern dishes that have been developed in recent years. Traditional Brazilian Food: A Combination of Cultural Inheritances