5K views · Feb 5, 2023 ourbigescape.com

Zabriskie Point Death Valley California
7K views · Jan 26, 2023 ourbigescape.com
Two amazing places to go in death valley are Zabriskie Point and Mosaic Canyon. Both areas offer some of the best things to see in death valley. They are where you can discover and explore amazing geology during your desert walk. ✅ Explore Great Death Valley Salt Flats Boondocking Tips https://ourbigescape.com/10-great-death-valley-salt-flats-boondocking-tips/ ✅ Learn more about Tips for the Best Zabriskie Point Videos https://ourbigescape.com/2-tips-for-the-best-zabriskie-point-videos/ 🔴 Subscribe to Our Big Escape Channel for more videos just like this: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCui8qQuvNXnj5ssL5Y9nDuA?sub_confirmation=1 While you travel Death Valley, whether you are camping or boondocking, you get to enjoy the top death valley hikes. The best places to go in death valley, while out in nature, you will get to experience the best sunrise in death valley, and much more. ZABRISKIE POINT DEATH VALLEY NATIONAL PARK Zabriskie Point Death Valley, CA offers a stunning panorama of the badlands near Furnace Creek in the park. The overlook stands at the upper east end of a badlands terrain full of impressive canyons and gulches. A short walk up a paved hill is all that is required to take advantage of this amazing vantage point. The hard drought-plagued sunbaked slopes around Zabriskie Point support almost no vegetation and possess a stark beauty. The rare rain that comes to Death Valley arrives in the form of downpours. These form the rills and gullies that reshape the landscape. Zabriskie Point Death Valley History Zabriskie Point is a part of the Amagosa Range located east of Death Valley noted for its erosional landscape. It is composed of sediments from Furnace Creek Lake, which dried up 5 million years ago - long before Death Valley came into existence. Zabriskie Point is a short heavily trafficked 'out and back' trail located in Death Valley that offers the chance to see wildlife and is good for all skill levels. The trail is primarily used for hiking, walking, nature trips, and bird watching and is accessible year-round. Surrounded by a maze of wildly eroded and vibrantly colored badlands, this short hike to a spectacular view is one of the park's most famous. Zabriskie Point is a popular sunrise and sunset viewing location. MOSAIC CANYON DEATH VALLEY The Mosaic Canyon is aptly named for the colorful polished rock lining its narrow slots. The entrance to Mosaic Canyon Trail Death Valley appears deceptively ordinary. Just a 1/4 mile walk up the canyon narrows dramatically to a deep slot cut into the face of Tucki Mountain. Running water scoured away at the fault-weakened rock, gradually carving Mosaic Canyon. A Mosaic Canyon Death Valley Hike of amazing scenery. If hiking is not your thing, you can use the Mosaic Canyon Road in Death Valley. ✅ Visit us at https://ourbigescape.com for more information. ~~~ Social Media ~~~ 👥 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ARoadtoTravel/ 🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/aroadtotravel 📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ourbigescape/ P Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/ourbigescape 0:00 Start 0:16 Mosaic Canyon 4:18 Zabriskie Point

Stunning Death Valley Footage of Badwater Basin
6K views · Jan 26, 2023 ourbigescape.com
Death Valley is the lowest point in North America. At 282 feet below sea level, it is a surreal landscape that tricks the senses from which you get this stunning Death Valley footage of Badwater Basin. ✅ Explore Great Death Valley Salt Flats Boondocking Tips https://ourbigescape.com/10-great-death-valley-salt-flats-boondocking-tips/ 🔴 SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL! Its free! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCui8qQuvNXnj5ssL5Y9nDuA?sub_confirmation=1 DEATH VALLEY HISTORY: Did Death Valley Used to be a Lake? 10,000-12,000 years ago, Death Valley was filled with a huge lake, called Glacial Lake Manly, that was nearly 100 miles long and 600 feet deep. DEATH VALLEY FACTS: Death Valley Badwater Basin has a small natural pool of undrinkable water next to the road. The water comes from a spring. It is called 'Badwater' because people cannot drink the water. This is because so much salt has built up from the basin. What many visitors mistake for snow covering the ground is actually a thick layer of salt on the valley floor. Did Death Valley have water? The water forms temporary lakes after heavy storms. As the water evaporates, minerals concentrate until only the salts remain. WHAT SHOULD I NOT MISS IN DEATH VALLEY? Golden Canyon is made up of these fan-shaped mountains created by the deposits of millions of years of flash floods are a good place for day hikes. It is a great hike with multiple options depending on your hiking comfort level. The hike is accessible both from Badwater Basin road or from Zabriszki Point. WHAT TO SEE AND DO IN DEATH VALLEY? You can hike Golden Canyon, Red Cathedral, Badlands loop and lower Gower Gulch. The duration of the hike(s) are dependent on how far you want to hike. All hikes combined make for a great day hike with beautiful scenery and come in around 8 miles total. These are must see sights in Death Valley. Death Valley Places to See -- This just barely scratches the surface. 1. Sand Dunes near Stovepipe Wells -- 2. Badwater Basin -- 3. The Racetrack -- 4. Zabriskie Point -- 5. Dantes View -- 6. Artist's Drive and Artist's Palette. HOW MANY DAYS SHOULD I SPEND IN DEATH VALLEY? Three days in the park allows you time to see most of its major sights—from Furnace Creek down to Badwater, out to Zabriskie Point and Dante’s View, up to Scotty’s Castle and Ubehebe Crater, and out to the Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes and Stovepipe Wells—with a fair amount of time to see other sights along the way and take some great short walks. Death Valley in One Day: If you are short on time, it is suggested that you start to Golden Canyon from Badwater Basin road, hike to Red Cathedral, pick up Golden Canyon trail, cut across the Badlands junction and hike back to your vehicle via Gower Gulch....about 5.5 miles. CAN YOU DRIVE THROUGH DEATH VALLEY? Yes, but you must be prepared and use common sense. With an air conditioned vehicle you can safely tour many of the main sites in Death Valley. Stay on paved roads in summer, and if your car breaks down, stay with it until help arrives. OFF ROADING IN DEATH VALLEY: After a bit more excitement and adventure? 1. Echo Pass and Inyo Mine Loop - Echo Pass and Inyo Mine Loop is a 7.3 mile lightly trafficked loop trail located near Death Valley, California that offers the chance to see wildlife and is rated as difficult. The trail is primarily used for ohv/off road driving and is best used from November until March. 2. Harry Wade Road - Harry Wade Road is a 31.5 mile lightly trafficked point-to-point trail located near Shoshone, California that offers scenic views and is good for all skill levels. The trail is primarily used for scenic driving and ohv/off road driving and is accessible year-round. 3. Echo Canyon to Overlook 4. Echo Canyon Road and Inyo Mine ~~~ Social Media ~~~ 👥 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ARoadtoTravel/ 🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/aroadtotravel 📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ourbigescape/ P Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/ourbigescape 0:00 Start 0:15 Badwater Basin 3:10 Dante's View 5:42 Golden Canyon

Amazing Death Valley Drone Footage
3K views · Jan 26, 2023 ourbigescape.com
Amazing Death Valley Drone Footage covers a lot of Death Valley National Park which straddles eastern California and Nevada. ✅ Explore Great Death Valley Salt Flats Boondocking Tips https://ourbigescape.com/10-great-death-valley-salt-flats-boondocking-tips/ ✅ Learn more about Death Valley Drone Video Flight Tips https://ourbigescape.com/2-huge-death-valley-drone-video-flight-tips/ 🔴 Subscribe to Our Big Escape Channel for more videos just like this: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCui8qQuvNXnj5ssL5Y9nDuA?sub_confirmation=1 WHAT IS DEATH VALLEY KNOWN FOR? The national park is known for Titus Canyon, and Badwater Basin’s salt flats which is North America's lowest elevation. Telescope Peak Trail, the spiky salt mounds known as the Devil’s Golf Course, and Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes. ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ABOUT DEATH VALLEY 1. Is Death Valley Worth Visiting? Absolutely! Death Valley is the largest national park outside of Alaska, with a great mix of both Wilderness recreation and backcountry driving opportunities. The park is over 93% federally protected Wilderness and has more than 1,000 miles of paved and dirt roads. 2. What is the Best Time to go to Death Valley? Death Valley is well-known for its blistering summer temperatures. For that reason, the best time of year to visit is what's considered the offseason in most other parks: mid-October to mid-May. 3. Is There A Fee To Enter Death Valley? Death Valley National Park is open every day of the year. Entrance fees vary. For $20, passengers in noncommercial vehicles (cars, trucks and vans) can leave and re-enter the park as many times as they wish for a seven-day period. For $10, an individual traveling on foot, motorcycle or bicycle can do the same. 4. How Hot Can it Get in Death Valley? The world record highest air temperature of 134°F was recorded at Furnace Creek on July 10, 1913. Summer temperatures often top 120°F in the shade with overnight lows dipping into the 90s°F. 5. Does Anybody Live in Death Valley? Beauty abounds in this arid wilderness, now a 3,000-square-mile national park--largest in the continental United States and home to about 525 people. 6. Best Death Valley Sunset Death Valley Zabriskie Point is just a stone's throw from Highway 190. You can park your car next to Zabriskie point and walk up a short-paved hill to enjoy the surreal Zabriskie point sunset. ONE DAY IN DEATH VALLEY NATIONAL PARK 1 – Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes. 2 – Zabriskie Point. 3 – Devil's Golf Course. 4 – Badwater Basin. 5 – Mosaic Canyon. DEATH VALLEY MUST SEE Of course, all of the above. However, 3 days in the park allows you time to see most of its major sights—from Furnace Creek down to Badwater, out to Zabriskie Point and Dante's View, up to Scotty's Castle and Ubehebe Crater, and out to the Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes and Stovepipe Wells. BEST HIKES IN DEATH VALLEY NATIONAL PARK ✷ Zabriskie Point. ✷ Darwin Falls. ✷ Natural Bridge Canyon Trail. ✷ Badwater Salt Flats. ✷ Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes. ✷ Artist's Drive. ✷ Golden Canyon (Gower Gulch Loop). ✷ Ibex Dunes Hike. ✷ Mosaic Canyon Trail. DEATH VALLEY CAMPING 1. Furnace Creek Campground: 136 sites & 18 hook-ups, washrooms, water supply & fire pits. 2. Wildrose Campground: Campers can stay free of charge at campsite with pit toilets, fire pits & scenic views. 3. Mahogany Flat Campground: 10 primitive sites with fire pits & picnic tables. 4. Sunset Campground: 250+ basic sites, plus water, toilets & dump stations. 5. Mesquite Spring Campground: offering spaces for tents & campers, with picnic tables & restroom facilities. FUN FACTS ABOUT DEATH VALLEY ✷ Some STAR WARS scenes were filmed in Golden Canyon ✷ Contrary to its name, Death Valley comes alive with color and life in the spring. ✷ Racetrack Playa is home to one of Death Valley’s most enduring mysteries. Scattered across the bottom of this dry lakebed are hundreds of rocks that leave trails on the ground when they move. ✷ At the top of the sand dunes, you can experience one of the strangest phenomena of the desert: singing sand. ✷ Devils Golf Course -- which got its name because “only the devil could play golf” on its surface -- is a colorful landscape worn by wind and rain into beautiful jagged spires. ✷ Other movies and TV shows filmed at Death Valley include Spartacus, The Twilight Zone and Tarzan. ✷ Finding fish in the desert doesn’t sound possible, but surprisingly there are six species of fish that can survive in the salty waters and harsh conditions of Death Valley. ~~~ Social Media ~~~ 👥 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ARoadtoTravel/ 🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/aroadtotravel 📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ourbigescape/ P Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/ourbigescape

Ghost Towns Around Las Vegas and Ghost Town Tours from Las V...
108K views · Jan 26, 2023 ourbigescape.com
Ghost Towns Around Las Vegas -- Las Vegas to Techatticup Ghost Town and Gold Mine. The most visited Las Vegas Ghost Town 2020 was Techatticup. As the oldest, richest, and most famous Las Vegas gold mine in Southern Nevada, the Techatticup Mine (also known as Eldorado Canyon Mine or Nelson Ghost Town) is located only 45 minutes outside Las Vegas. ✅ Visit Our Big Escape to learn more about Ghost Towns Around Las Vegas https://ourbigescape.com/5-great-tips-to-nevada-gold-mine-ghost-towns/ 🔴 SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL! Its free! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCui8qQuvNXnj5ssL5Y9nDuA?sub_confirmation=1 LAS VEGAS GHOST TOWNS HISTORY Few mining ghost towns live up to the mythology of the rough and tumble wild west more than Nelson, Nevada. However, despite the chaos, Nelson was home to the most successful gold mining boom in southern Nevada history. LAS VEGAS GHOST TOWNS TOURS This Las Vegas Nevada ghost towns got its second chance in 1994 when Tony and Bobbie Werly purchased the town. The family restored many of the old buildings and even opened up the Techatticup Mine for tourism with gold mine tours and Nevada ghost town tours Vegas. GHOST TOWNS TO VISIT NEAR LAS VEGAS Today, Nelson is a popular tourist destination as one of the best Las Vegas day trips. Their focus is the abandoned gold mine, antique car junkyard, and the nelson ghost town. While wandering through the ghost town, really get a good look at the abandoned cars and trucks that have been rescued. They even set up the Nelson ghost town plane crash. While visiting ghost towns outside of Las Vegas and the Las Vegas area ghost towns, The Techatticup Ghost Town and Gold Mine is on top of the list of Las Vegas ghost towns you can visit. ~~~ Social Media ~~~ 👥 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ARoadtoTravel/ 🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/aroadtotravel 📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ourbigescape/ P Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/ourbigescape

What To Do In Valley Of Fire & Stay Near Valley Of Fire ...
23K views · Jan 26, 2023 ourbigescape.com
What To Do In Valley Of Fire?: Many of the top things to do in Valley of Fire State Park are quick roadside stops. This would include photographing cool rock formations or a short canyon stroll. Some of the best sights are the views from your car window. ✅ Explore Great Valley of Fire Park https://ourbigescape.com/7-great-valley-of-fire-park-spots/ ✅ Learn more about Best Valley of Fire State Park Video Spots https://ourbigescape.com/5-best-valley-of-fire-state-park-video-spots/ 🔴 Subscribe to OurBigEscape Channel for more videos just like this: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCui8qQuvNXnj5ssL5Y9nDuA?sub_confirmation=1 Valley Of Fire State Park History: The Valley of Fire State Park is Nevada’s oldest and largest state park. Covering nearly 46,000 acres. The state park derives its name from red sandstone formations, the Aztec Sandstone, which formed from shifting sand dunes 150 million years ago. Where Is Valley Of Fire Located?: It is located 16 miles south of Overton, Nevada. It's also a little less than an hour's drive from Las Vegas. To visit Valley Of Fire State Park in one day would obviously be an easy and most rewarding day trip. The Valley of Fire State Park address is 29450 Valley of Fire Hwy, Overton, NV 89040. Can You Drive Through Valley Of Fire?: Yes. The Valley of Fire State Park road, a two-lane road through a desert landscape, can last just an hour or two if you drive through the park, only stopping at scenic overlooks and hiking one or two short trails. A visit to the Valley of Fire can last all day, if you choose to explore every nook and cranny of this place. How Much Does It Cost To Get Into The Valley Of Fire?: To enter the park, it costs $10 per vehicle, payable at the fee booth before entering. You will be given a map of the park with suggested spots to visit. Beginning April 1, 2021, there will be an additional $5 fee for out of state vehicles. Do You Need Reservations For Valley Of Fire State Park?: Advance reservations are required. For information call Valley of Fire State Park (702) 397-2088. You can ask for suggestions on day hikes of varying length and terrain. Is There A Hiking Trail For The Fire Wave Valley Of Fire State Park?: Yes. Fire Wave Trail is a 1.5 mile heavily trafficked out and back trail located near Overton, Nevada that features a cave and is good for all skill levels. The trail is primarily used for hiking, walking, and nature trips and is accessible year-round. Dogs are also able to use this trail but must be kept on leash. Where To Stay Near Valley Of Fire State Park: North Shore Inn at Lake Mead -- 5.5 mi away 520 N Moapa Valley Blvd, Overton, NV 89040 • (702) 397-6000 ------- Plaza Motel -- 5.6 mi away 207 S Moapa Valley Blvd, Overton, NV 89040 • (702) 397-2414 ------- Fun N Sun Trailer Park -- 5.8 mi away 280 N Cooper St, Overton, NV 89040 • (702) 397-8894 Where To Stay At Valley Of Fire: CAMPGROUNDS The park is home to two regular campgrounds, Arch Rock Campground and Atlatl Rock Campground. Be aware that both sites are first-come, first-served, so plan to arrive early to snag a spot! These campgrounds have water, grills, restrooms, and showers and the spots are $20/night, but if you need utility hook-ups, it’ll be $10 more/night. If you are just spending the day, the fee is only $10/car (which is part of the $20/night camping fee). If you are boondocking, you can park for free on BLM land. There is an amazing spot just miles from the park. It is easy to get to, has tons of space, incredible views, and strong enough cell service to boot. It was definitely one of our favorite boondocking spots yet! So, if you are fine camping without amenities in your RV, definitely check out this spot! We hoped you enjoy our Valley Of Fire State Park video. ~~~ Social Media ~~~ 👥 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ARoadtoTravel/ 🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/aroadtotravel 📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ourbigescape/ P Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/ourbigescape

Yellowstone National Park Things To Do
11K views · Feb 12, 2023 ourbigescape.com
Be sure to hit one, or all, of the top things to do and see in Yellowstone country. There’s Old Faithful, grizzly bears and gray wolves, rodeos and powwows, horseback riding, rafting and so much more.