21 Traditional Moroccan Recipes
13K views · Jun 6, 2022 ourbigescape.com
Today we want to offer you some information about traditional Moroccan Recipes. Morocco is geographically located in the north-west corner of Africa. The country is slightly larger in area than California, USA and it has three different regions. ✅ GET THE COMPLETE RECIPES HERE : https://ourbigescape.com/21-great-traditional-moroccan-recipes/ 🔴 Subscribe to Our Big Escape Channel for more videos just like this: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCui8qQuvNXnj5ssL5Y9nDuA?sub_confirmation=1 The northern coast of Morocco along the Mediterranean sea is the most fertile land and rises to heights of about 8,000 feet. Moreover, the Atlas mountains start from the Atlantic coast, southwest, and runs to the Mediterranean Sea on the northeastern side. Last, but not least, the semiarid region is in the east and south region, the Western Sahara, and connects Morocco to the vast Sahara Desert. Morocco, since ancient times, faces problems with desertification which is caused by forces of mother nature such as inadequate rainfall or drought. However, in the northwest region of Morocco agriculture thrives, except when there is a severe drought. Therefore, farmers in Morocco can supply citizens with enough food. The History of Traditional Moroccan Recipes The Berbers, Nomads, were the first inhabitants of this country more than 2,000 years ago. They brought stable dishes in the traditional Moroccan food such as couscous and tagine The Berbers used local ingredients including dates, figs, and olives to prepare poultry and lamb stews. However, other ingredients are being used today to prepare these stews Of traditional Moroccan food. After the Berbers inhabited the land, Morocco got the opportunity to experience the tradition of the Arabs. When the Arabs occupied the region during the 7th Century, they brought grains and bread meals to the traditional Moroccan food. Some of the well-known spices that were brought by the Arabs include saffron, caraway, cinnamon, ginger, cumin, and many more. Additionally, the Arabs also came with a new cooking technique different from that of the Moroccans known as the sweet-and-sour cooking. This technique involved a combination of different flavors inherited from the Persian tradition. As time moved on, other prominent ethnic groups left their tradition on the Moroccan traditional food. The Moors introduced olives and their juice as well as introducing new ways to preserve pickles. After that, came the Ottoman Empire that brought the concept of barbeque kebabs to the Moroccan traditional food. Nowadays, Moroccan traditional food involves the use of different spices from different traditions for extra flavor to spotlight the taste of the kebabs and add more value to them. Alongside the eastern touch, Morocco is among the few privileged countries in Africa to experience the influence of the best culture of the Western World. After the arrival of the French Colony, the Frenchmen brought their food culture including baking, the culture of cafes, and even wine to their traditional Moroccan food further improving the diversity of the country. Today, it is quite difficult to distinguish the distinct Moroccan tradition through their traditional Moroccan food. Over time, their traditional dishes have had dramatic changes that have added to their cooking techniques and the taste of food. ~~~ Social Media ~~~ 👥 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/World-Recipes/ 👥 Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/213884180293551 🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/aroadtotravel P Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/ourbigescape

22 Fabulous Moroccan Tagine Recipes
9K views · Jun 6, 2022 ourbigescape.com
Moroccan Tagine Recipes have been cooked in a tagine for centuries. A Tagine is a clay cooking pot and is used for all types of Tagine Recipes. They are one of the oldest forms of a pressure cooker. The Tagine pot takes all of the flavors from the spices and forces into the meat and vegetables. ✅ GET THE COMPLETE MOROCCAN TAGINE RECIPES HERE : https://ourbigescape.com/22-fabulous-moroccan-tagine-recipes/ 🔴 Subscribe to Our Big Escape Channel for more videos just like this: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCui8qQuvNXnj5ssL5Y9nDuA?sub_confirmation=1 Traditionally tagine pots are made out of clay. They can be glazed or unglazed. They come in a variety of sizes. There are small cooking tagines that serve 1 or 2 people, medium for 4 and large tagines for 6 or more people. There are also two different types of pots. One is painted on the outside, and one is plain. Do not cook in the decorated tagines. These are strictly for show. Moroccan Tagine Recipes – Moroccan cuisine Moroccan cuisine is influenced by Morocco’s interactions and exchanges with other cultures and nations over the centuries. Moroccan cuisine is usually a mix of Amazigh, Andalusian, and Mediterranean cuisines, with slight European (French and Spanish) and sub-Saharan influences. Moroccan Tagine Recipes – Ingredients Morocco produces a large range of Mediterranean fruits, vegetables and even some tropical ones. Common meats include beef, goat, mutton and lamb, which, together with chicken and seafood, serve as a base for the cuisine. Characteristic flavorings include Ras El Hanout: The mixture usually consists of over a dozen spices, in different proportions, including cardamom, cumin, clove, cinnamon, nutmeg, mace, allspice, dry ginger, chili peppers, coriander seed, peppercorn, sweet and hot paprika, fenugreek, and dry turmeric. The staple grain today is wheat, used for bread and couscous, though until the mid-20th century, barley was an important staple, especially in the south. Grapes are mostly eaten fresh, as a dessert; wine consumption is only about 1 liter per capita per year. The traditional cooking fats are butter and animal fat, though olive oil is now replacing them. Butter is used both fresh, zebeda, and preserved, smen. Moroccan Tagine Recipes – Flavorings Spices are used extensively in Moroccan food. Although some spices have been imported to Morocco through the Arabs for thousands of years, many ingredients—like saffron from Talaouine, mint and olives from Meknes, and oranges and lemons from Fes—are home-grown, and are being exported. Common spices include cinnamon, cumin, turmeric, ginger, paprika, coriander, saffron, mace, cloves, fennel, anise, nutmeg, cayenne pepper, fenugreek, caraway, black pepper and sesame seeds. Twenty-seven spices are combined for the famous Moroccan spice mixture. 👥 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/World-Recipes/ 👥 Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/213884180293551 🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/aroadtotravel P Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/ourbigescape

33 Great Turkish Foods With Turkish Recipes
33K views · Oct 27, 2022 ourbigescape.com
Our recent trip gave us a huge supply of Turkish Recipes. We sampled all of the Turkish foods and Turkish Dishes. Try all of these recipes they are excellent. ✅ GET THE COMPLETE TURKISH FOODS RECIPES HERE : https://ourbigescape.com/33-great-turkish-foods-with-turkish-recipes/ 🔴 Subscribe to Our Big Escape Channel for more videos just like this: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCui8qQuvNXnj5ssL5Y9nDuA?sub_confirmation=1 The history of traditional Turkish recipes are a heritage inherited from the Ottoman empire cuisine. It can be described as fusion and refinement of Balkan, Mediterranean, Central Asia, Middle Eastern, American, and Eastern Europe cuisines. The Turks grew wheat and often used it in various types of unleavened and leavened bread that were baked in clay ovens, buried in ember, or baked-on griddle. Bugra and Manti were among the popular dishes in the early days. Skewering meat was a famous way of grilling, which was later on known as kebap. In addition to that, their dairy products, such as yogurt and cheese, were staple and convenient for the pastoral Turks. Turks from Central Asia depended on animal husbandry, and when their living conditions became unstable, the Turks migrated to Anatolia. Here, they encountered various ingredients that the Turks incorporated into their cuisine. Their once simple dishes become more complex due to the additional ingredients along with new cooking styles. While in Anatolia, the Turks were first introduced to rice, vegetables, and fruits native to that particular region. ~~~ Social Media ~~~ 👥 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/World-Recipes/ 👥 Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/213884180293551 🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/aroadtotravel P Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/ourbigescape